Duct Tape Surely Won’t Fix This Crashed Ferrari F12tdf From Japan
The year didn’t end well for the owner of a Ferrari F12tdf in Japan who crashed the supercar on December 31. The picture of the vehicle being transported with duct tape all over its deformed front end posted on Twitter by user @hodo_momo is indeed a sad sight. As noted by the Twitter user @boeing767300PW who photographed the crashed Ferrari on the scene, the incident occurred at the Shibaura junction in the direction of the Rainbow Bridge. It appears that the driver of the Ferrari is to blame since no other cars were involved. Our guess is that the driver lost control after the car slipped and ended up hitting the concrete barrier. Judging from the aftermath, there shouldn’t have been any serious injuries. Watch Also: The F12tdf Takes Ferrari’s V12 Grand Tourer And Turns It Into A Screaming Track Weapon 芝浦ジャンクション レインボーブリッジ方面の事故渋滞。事故を起こしていたのはフェラーリ。おそらく単独。ドライバーの無謀な運転で事故渋滞で迷惑を被ってるんで二度と運転してほしくない事を祈りつつ安全運転を心がけようと誓いました。 pic.twitter.com/ILlOdwJ44Z — くんにちはキリン信者クラシックジャンボ (@boein...